Your Invitation To A Whole New Life
In The Flooring Business
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Hamster Wheels Are Epidemic In Flooring Retail
While most dealers love (or at least like) the flooring business, many feel overworked, and like their business has too much control. They often feel like no matter how hard they work, they can’t seem to grow their business beyond a certain point.

They’ve hit a glass ceiling. Many are overstressed, unable to take real time off. (It’s not really time off if you’re checking email after hours.) Most don’t see a way out, and have simply resigned themselves to the idea that “this is just the way it is in flooring.”

I call it the “Hamster Wheel of Doom.”

I’ve been working with dealers since 2007. I’ve personally coached hundreds of flooring retailers, helping them to step off the hamster wheel, take control of their businesses, and achieve the lifestyles they’ve always wanted for themselves and their families. This can happen for you, too.

In a minute I'll tell you how you can get my personal help to transform your business over the next 12 months, but first...
Which Of These Statements Apply To You?
“I like my business, but I sometimes feel like it owns me instead of me owning it.”
“I’m working 50-60 hours per week or more. I’d like to cut that to 40 or less, and be able to take vacations and long weekends without things falling apart while I’m gone.”
“The stress is getting to me. I’m actually worried about my health.”
“I’d like to increase my profits by 25% - 50% over the next 12 months.”
“I want to spend less time putting out fires, and more time building my business.”
“I’d like to command margins of 50% or more.”
“I want to ‘have it all:’ a super-profitable, growing business AND a great lifestyle.”
“I want to empower my staff so I can delegate tasks I’m currently doing. I want to relax knowing things are getting done right all the time, even when I’m not there.”
“I have a very successful business, but I like the idea bettering my best, and taking my business to the next level.”
If any of these apply to you, then you're in the right place.  Read on...   
7 Of The 63 Reasons You Deserve To Have A Growing, Thriving Business That Gives You A Great Life

You deserve more than to endlessly run and run, but stay stuck.  Because as the owner of a dealership...

  1. You shoulder all the risk and responsibility of your business, your employees and your clients.  The buck stops with you
  2. You’re an asset to your community.
  3. You provide great services and products for your clients
  4. You beautify their homes and help them create awesome living spaces where they can create memories with their friends and families.
  5. You provide employment
  6. You support your community with your tax dollars
  7. You’re part of the backbone of the economy.  

You deserve to have a super successful business, that’s rewarding and fulfilling, and which provides a great work environment that you and your employees love.

You deserve to have a business which provides you and your family with a great lifestyle.

You deserve to be able to work the hours you choose, even if it’s less than 35 hours a week, like some of the dealers I’ve helped.

You deserve to have your nights and weekends free, to have the time and freedom to pursue hobbies, golf, fishing, physical fitness, whatever it is that’s important to you.

Just because you deserve an awesome life in flooring doesn't mean you'll automatically get it.  If you've spent years working and working but staying stuck, then you know what I mean.
Why Dealers Stay Stuck On The Wheel
The typical dealer starts out as an installer (or working in the family business), and eventually thinks, “Hey, I know a lot about flooring. Why don’t I start my own business?” (Or, “Why don’t I take over the family business?”)

So, he does. He soon finds himself working more and more hours, far more than he ever did as an installer or an employee. 

His stress level goes through the roof, his personal life goes by the wayside, and he’s left wondering if going into business for himself was the biggest mistake of his life!

So what went wrong?

Well, after going into business for themselves, most dealers are so focused on building their business that they don’t pay attention to the kind of business that’s getting built.

Without intending to, they wind up building a business where too much of their day-to-day business operations depend on them being there 50+ hours a week.

They’ve unintentionally built a business powered by a hamster wheel. If they stop running, things fall apart.

Want To Step Off The Wheel?  Then You Need A Blueprint...
When a contractor begins building a house, he doesn’t just walk up to a pile of lumber and start randomly nailing things together. If he did that, he might wind up with something that sort of resembled a house, but it would be leaky, structurally unsound, and a nightmare to live in.

Instead, he first draws up a set of blueprints so he knows exactly what the house will look like when he’s done.

Unfortunately, when most dealers begin building their business, they don’t start with a blueprint.

They don’t have a clear picture of what they want it to look like when it’s built, or of how that business will fund and facilitate their ideal lifestyle.

They just hope that when they’re done building, that the business will be successful and provide all the good things in life for which they are working so hard.

Most of the time that doesn’t happen. Even if they manage to build a financially successful business, they’ve built it in such a way that they have to run on the hamster wheel just to keep it going.

This means working 60+ hours per week, stress, headaches and feeling trapped.

There’s too much at stake to leave achieving your Ideal Business and Ideal Lifestyle to chance. You’ve got to begin with a blueprint.

When you join Elite Floor Dealer Coaching, the Ideal Business, Ideal Lifestyle Blueprint is the proven tool we'll use so you can step off the wheel and experience transformational change.

Let's look at how Elite Floor Dealer will help you...
Elite Floor Dealer Will Help You Reach Your Ideal Business and Ideal Lifestyle
For you this could mean...
  • Implementing the right marketing plan so you can add $1Million in revenue.
  • Cutting your hours to less than 40 per week
  • Taking a 10-day cruise in the Caribbean.
  • Taking every Friday off.
  • Overcoming some major challenges like losing customers to competitors.
  • Forever end selling on cheap price and command margins of 50% or more.
  • Finding and keeping great salespeople and installers.
  • Take an already-great business and make it phenomenal!
No Stone Will Be Left Unturned
Together we will break down, analyze and help you implement every aspect of running an elite flooring business. You’ll be guided by me on...

Goals & Objectives. Determine the big, exciting goals you want to accomplish during the next year.
Vision. Determine where you would like to be in 3-5 years. Set up your business so it lasts, and can be passed on or sold for maximum profit.
Leadership. Sharpen your leadership skills so you can more effectively “captain your ship” to reach your goals.
Marketing. Implement the handful of best, right strategies to drive you towards your revenue goals quickly.
Sales. Empower your sales team to dramatically increase their closed sales and command margins of 50% or more.
Management. Implement a delegation plan to get the time and freedom you deserve so you can live your ideal lifestyle.
Whatever it is, you and I will identify your big goals for your business, and create a step-by-step blueprint to achieve them. I’ll be there with you, each step of the way, providing guidance, helping you bulldoze roadblocks, and helping you stay on track until you reach your goals. 
Everything That's Included
You get the full day Blueprint Day, plus 11 monthly coaching sessions. (12 sessions total.) All of our sessions will take place via Zoom web conference, right on your computer. 
The 3-Step Ideal Business, Ideal Lifestyle Blueprint
1. Create Your Success Blueprint
2. Set Monthly, Bite-Sized Action Steps
3. Achieve Your Ideal Business And Ideal Lifestyle
This is the PROVEN 12-month Blueprint process I take floor dealers through who want to step off the wheel, and have an awesome life in flooring.
Step 1: Create your Success Blueprint

In month one you and I will meet for a full day intensive coaching session called the Blueprint Day.

We spend the entire day together (either in person or by video conference) creating a blueprint for the kind of life and business you want.

The first half of the day is focused on creating your ideal week using a 7-day calendar. This is a vision board for what you'd like your life in flooring look like in 12 months.

I help you determine how many hours you'd like to work each week, how many hours per day, and which days of the week. All of this goes into the ideal week calendar.

We also determine how many weeks of vacation you'd like to take each year, what big, exciting personal goals you have for yourself and your family, and anything else that’s important to you, including retirement, building wealth, etc.

In other words, we create a detailed picture of your ideal lifestyle.

The second half of the day is spent creating a blueprint of your business so it funds and facilitates your ideal lifestyle.

This might mean delegating certain tasks, setting up systems, growing revenue, making a new hire, or some combination of these. 

Step 2: Set monthly, bite-sized action steps

Remodeling your business so that it funds and facilitates your ideal lifestyle can seem like an overwhelming project, especially if you’ve spent your entire career overworked and stressed out.

To eliminate the overwhelm, we break the next 12 months down into monthly, bite-sized action steps.

These steps take you down a path leading directly to the ideal business and ideal lifestyle we created in step 1. 

Step 3: Achieve Your Ideal Business and Ideal Lifestyle

When a ship sets sail from New York to England, the captain doesn’t set the course one time and forget it. The ship will never reach its destination because winds, waves and tides will constantly push the ship off 
course. Without regular course corrections the ship will sail in circles or crash into the rocks.

The same is true with your business. You need regular course corrections to keep from going in circles.

Over the next 12 months, you and I will meet once a month to keep you on track to reach your goals. We troubleshoot any unexpected challenges, and adjust your trajectory to keep you on course.

At the end of each meeting we review and set the bite-sized action steps you'll accomplish over the following month.

By following these steps each month, you'll achieve their Ideal Business and Ideal Lifestyle! More freedom, more money, less stress, a great life in flooring.

Also Included...
  • Session recordings. All of our coaching sessions will be recorded so you can review them between our meetings.
  • Multiple attendees are welcome. Your spouse, business partner, or employees are welcome to attend any of our coaching sessions.
  • Monthly Make More, Work Less Webinars. These webinars are for Flooring Success Systems members, and you’ll be invited to attend. These group coaching sessions are dedicated to helping you increase your revenue, grow your business, all while working less. We cover best business practices, proven sales and marketing strategies, and other topics designed to help you experience total success in your business. 
"Sounds great, Jim.  What's the cost?"

Considering the life-changing results achieved by the dealers on this page, an investment of $25,000 would be a steal.

However, the regular price is only $14,000.

But You Won’t Even Pay That Much.

If you respond By the DEADLINE IN RED in the materials we sent you, you’ll only pay $12,995. That’s over $1,000 in savings.

Two payment options:
  • 3 payments of $4,499

  • 1 payment of $12,995 (you save $500 off the 3-payment plan)

Optional: In person Blueprint Day. I will fly to your city and conduct the Blueprint Day in person. Contact our office for pricing.
How To Apply
Participate In A "Discovery Session" With Me
Because we’re going to spend the next 12 months together, I want to make sure this program will be a good fit. So, we’ll meet by phone or Zoom for 30 minutes and discuss where your business is at right now, and what you hope to accomplish in this program.

If we both decide Elite Floor Dealer is a good fit, you’ll be officially welcomed to the program and we’ll schedule your Blueprint Day. 

How To Schedule Your Discovery Session
Schedule it right now using the calendar below.  OR call our office at 877-887-5791 and we'll schedule it over the phone.  
Don’t delay. Your opportunity to get a significant discount expires on the DEADLINE IN RED in the materials we sent you.
WARNING: Extremely Limited Space
Also, I only accept a handful of private coaching clients per year. If you delay, you risk getting locked out until another seat opens up. That could take up to a year. 

I look forward to partnering with you, helping you step off the wheel, and reaching the incredible life in flooring you deserve.

Your Partner In Greater Success,
Jim Armstrong

President, Flooring Success Systems
Marketing Mastery Columnist, FCNews
Destroyer of Hamster Wheels

Financing Available! 
Don’t let “I can’t afford it” rob you of experiencing your own business and life transformation. We’ve made arrangements for flexible and affordable financing options. We can approve you instantly right over the phone. Give us a call! 877-887-5791 
What Dealers Are Saying
My full interview with Jennifer & Jandi on how they stepped off the wheel and transformed their flooring business and their lives.
Click the button to play video
“My profits increased by 5-Times, and I now take weekends off!”  -Jerome
Click the button to play video
“Our revenue has tripled!” -Paul
Click the button to play video

“Jim’s program has transformed my business."
Click the button to play video

This Dealer Has Transformed His Business and His Life for the Better
“Jim, I’m making more and working less! I used to work ‘dark to dark,’ including weekends. I now take weekends off, and work a lot less during the week. At the same time, my revenue grew by 50% in the first 12 months, and grew by 50% again in the next 12 months. And my margins are at 45%. Your program has changed my life. Thank you!
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~Craig, FL

This Dealer Went From Near Bankruptcy To Opening His Second Location
Garry from Illinois was on the verge of closing his doors. Within 24 months he had not only turned things around, but he opened his second location. Here’s what he had to say:
“Jim, we are getting ready to hire more office help and 2 more installation crews. We have been booked out with work 3 weeks for the last 4 months. When I look back a year and a half ago wondering how I was going to a afford to pay you to join, WOW what a difference today is. I don’t think I would be in business today if not for all your input and help, keep up the great coaching. Business is going GREAT pro ts and sales are up thanks to you. Just wanted to take a minute out of my busy life to say THANKS!”
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~Garry, IL

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This Dealer Is Proving You Can Make a Lot of Money AND Have a Great Lifestyle 
Jerome owns a flooring and window treatment business in Texas. He made an incredible transition in a short period of time. He now has a better business as well as a better life. Jerome had extremely low margins, between 15% and 30%, yet within only three months of joining, he began commanding margins between 45% and 50%. Jerome was once a slave to his business, working long hours and never taking weekends off.
He now regularly takes four-day weekends, several multi-week vacations each year, even travelling out of the country. While he is away his business continues to run smoothly and make money.

How’s business now? Jerome is normally booked out for 2-3 months! He considers it “slow” when he’s only booked out for 2 weeks. He now owns seven houses (some for rental income) and another on a lake nearby. All but one are paid off, and he owns his store and warehouse free and clear. By investing the extra profits his business now generates into real estate, Jerome will likely have the option of early retirement if he chooses. Jerome is proving every day that by implementing the right strategies, any owner can build their Ideal Business and live their Ideal Lifestyle.
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~Jerome, TX

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“I highly recommend Jim’s training. It’s the best thing we’ve done for our company in 15 years.” 
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~Barry L., WA
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“My Wife And I Went To Cabo... Our First Vacation In Years!” 

“Our big challenge was we were growing quickly with our foot on the gas, but did
not have the systems in place to properly take our business to the next level. I was working 7 days per week just to keep up. Through Jim’s program I’ve been able to implement systems so I can delegate, and have the peace of mind that things are getting handled correctly without me there to babysit. As a result, I’ve cut my work hours so I can take weekends off. Also my wife and I went on vacation to Cabo. It was our first vacation in years. The stress relief is unbelievable.” 

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~Jay, VA
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Exponential Growth
“The techniques that Jim is teaching, and the systems that he’s looking to put in place for the average owner are sure to work if they’re executed properly. He’s got a great blueprint for people to be much more successful without making a sizeable investment. In our industry there’s a lot of training on product knowledge and salesmanship; there’s a lot of great stuff out there. But what Jim does is take it a step further. He teaches owners how to take what they’re already doing and get the kind of exponential growth that no one thinks is possible.”
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~Scott Perron,
President of 24/7 Floors (Former President of Big Bob’s Flooring)

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“Costa Rica! Blended drinks on the beach with my Bride of 25 plus years, Carolyn. We had a blast! Jim, thanks for the motivation to let our business work for us rather than us working for the business.”
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“My sales have doubled and tripled. Thanks, Jim!”
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~Steve D., AZ

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“Our Revenue Is Up 79.3% Over Last Year! Thanks, Jim!”
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~Mike P., CT

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I have been in business since January 2000. My business did all right as long as I was putting in t he hours. My wife, is not involved at all in the business and as a result of the longer hours my family life suffered (has suffered). I have three children: 13, 9, and 6 year old at home and I felt I was missing there upbringing.
Three years ago I joined Jim’s program and implemented the systems. I started to time block my weeks to include owner’s tasks and marketing. I don’t work any weekends now. Last night my wife said, “Thank you” to me because I was able to spend the entire long week end (Canadian Thanksgiving Saturday,Sunday, & Monday) with friends and family.

I feel that, Jolyn & Jim Armstrong care and realize that the strength of the program is with connecting with other owners who are living the same day in a day out grind. We all are working in a great industry, but it can control you and you need to learn how to control it. Jim’s program is a valuable part of my business to keep me on track to lifestyle vs. business as life.

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~Earl, SK

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Listening to Jim’s audio training, I’ve been able to really narrow my focus and have seen the benefit. With what I consider a half-effort, in the last 4 months my margins have gone from 32% to 40%! A customer recently told one of my sales team that we are $1,000 higher than our competitor, but that the peace of mind we offer is more important than the money. We still got the sale!
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~Scott B., MO

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I am the most excited in 10 years. I actually have hope again. I thank y’all so much. Y’all are the best!!!!!
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~John, FL

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“I was working 70 or more hours a week, including weekends, and feeling incredibly burned out and, frankly, discouraged. I saw the successes of other dealers in cutting their hours and getting control of their business, and it was frustrating but also inspiring. I’m happy to say that, because of what I learned, this Summer I’m taking weekends to travel and spend time with my wife; the stress has dropped immensely. It’s finally happened for me! I believe that every business owner should invest the time and money to go through the program. You can easily get the savings back in time and money.” 
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~Kurt, MT

 Call us at (877) 887-5791
Jim Armstrong is the founder of Flooring Success Systems, a marketing services and coaching program for floor dealers. He’s the Marketing Mastery columnist for Floor Covering News, the author of three books for floor dealers, and has been a featured speaker at Surfaces, Coverings and Domotex. He lives in Colorado with his awesome wife and business partner, Jolyn. Jim enjoys playing guitar, writing and recording music, fly fishing, traveling and skydiving. 
